Loan Rates

Get rates that work for you.

At Rally, you'll enjoy the most competitive rates and lowest fees on auto loans, personal loans and mortgage loans.


Auto Loan Rates

As of 02/01/2025

Term APR*
0 - 84 Months 5.49 - 18.00%


Recreational Vehicle Loan Rates

As of 02/01/2025

Term APR*
0-120 Months 5.99- 18.00%


Personal Loan Rates (Signature/Line of Credit)

As of 02/01/2025

Term APR*
0 - 48 Months 12.50 - 18.00%


Deposit Secured

As of 02/01/2025

Term APR*
0 - 36 Months 6.00
37 - 48 Months 7.00
CD CD Rate +2%^


Home Loan Rates

As of 02/01/2025

Account Type Term Interest Rate (as low as) APR* (as low as)
Homestead - Home Purchase 15 Year 6.000 6.100
Homestead - Home Purchase 20 Year 6.500 6.581
Homestead - Home Purchase 30 Year 6.750 6.831
Homestead - Refinance/Cash Out Refinance 15 Year 6.000 6.100
Homestead- Refinance/Cash Out Refinance 20 Year 6.500 6.581
Homestead - Refinance/Cash Out Refinance 30 Year 6.750 6.831
Second Lien Refi/Cash Out Refinance 15 Year 7.500 7.818
Land / Lot Loan 10 Year 7.500 7.943
Construction to Perm One Time Close 15 Year 6.000 6.100
Construction to Perm One Time Close 30 Year 6.500 6.565
Jumbo ($766,551-$999,999) 15 Year 6.250 6.288
Jumbo Loan ($766,551 -$999,999) 30 Year 6.750 6.773
Super Jumbo ($1 Million or Greater) 15 Year 6.500 6.525
Super Jumbo ($1 Million or Greater) 30 Year 7.000 7.016
VA Purchase/Refinance 15 Year 6.000 6.100
VA Purchase/Refinance 30 Year 6.750 6.831


Homestead Purchase Example

Loan Amount $300,000
Interest Rate 6.750%
Loan Term 30 Years
Total Closing Costs $8,871.56
Initial Monthly Principal
and Interest Payment
APR 6.813%

Homestead Refi / Cash Out Refi Example

Loan Amount $200,000
Interest Rate 6.000%
Loan Term 15 Years
Total Closing Costs $4,852.00
Initial Monthly Principal
and Interest Payment
APR 6.151%


The Purchase, Refinance and Texas Cash Out examples below are based on a LTV < 80%, credit score > 740 and include a standard origination fee. Payment examples do not include taxes, home owners or private mortgage insurance premiums. The total mortgage payment may be greater than what is shown below.


  • Information displayed is accurate as of the date of the latest update and is subject to change without notice. Loan pricing can only be locked through a Real Estate Application. Please contact the Real Estate Center for more pricing details. Other restrictions may apply.
  • Rally  will NOT subordinate our lien. 1st Lien must be with Rally in order to attain 2nd Lien Home Equity or Home Improvement loan.
  • Member Business Loans (Non-Homestead /Purchase/Refinance/Equity) - Please contact our Member Business Loan Department for more information. 361-986-4500, ext.1014


* APR = Annual Percentage Rate
** APY = Annual Percentage Yield
Note:  Rate depends on credit history, term, collateral, and loan to value.
Rates subject to change.
† No Discounts Apply / Loan terms are subject to credit and collateral qualifications
^ Annual percentage rate may vary
Terms of Repayment Example for Secured Loans (Auto/Recreational):
A $15,000 loan with a 48- month term at 6.99% APR equals a $360.00 monthly payment.

The APY assumes that funds remain on deposit at least one full year. A withdrawal will reduce earnings. We use the Average Daily Balance method to calculate dividends on
your account.

  1. Nature of Dividends: Dividends are paid from current income and available earnings after required transfers to reserves at the end of the dividend period. The Dividend Rate and Annual Percentage Yield (APY) are the prospective rates and yields that the Credit Union anticipates paying for the applicable dividend period. Note: not applicable for Certificate of Deposit (Term Share) Accounts.
  2. Early Withdrawal Penalty for Certificate of Deposit Accounts: We may impose a penalty if you withdraw any of the principal before the maturity date, or the renewal date, if
    this is a renewable account.
  3. Rate information: The Dividend Rate and APY on your accounts are set forth above. The APY is a percentage rate that reflects the total amount of dividends to be paid on an account based on the Dividend Rate and frequency of compounding for an annual period. Withdrawal of dividends or early withdrawal of principal will reduce the APY. The Dividend Rate and APY may change at any time.
  4. Fixed Annual Percentage Rate (APR) listed above is the Credit Union's standard rate. Rate may vary depending on each borrower's credit history and underwriting factors.